Sherry Cardona, also known from YouTube as BuzzAlong, embarked on an extraordinary adventure at the Bohemian Border Bash 2023. BBB, a race that circumnavigates the Bohemian border and passes through Germany, Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic, with a length of 1,300 km and 24,000 meters of altitude.
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Unforeseeable situations can occur at any time. That's why in this blog post we would like to talk about an extremely important topic that you should definitely deal with: first aid for bikepacking.
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A guest post by Jair, about his experiences during the Mittelgebirge Classique bikepacking race.
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The bikepacking ultra race Gran Guanche: A report on Johann Kristan's first ultra race, his adventures and experiences.
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Everything you need to know about bikepacking. The ultimate guide for your bikepacking adventures. Including detailed packing list.
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